Consciousness, Literature and the Arts


Biographies of Contributors



Anne C. Coon is a Professor of Language and Literature in the College of Liberal Arts at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, New York, USA. Professor Coon teaches introductory writing and literature courses, as well as upper level courses in poetry, creative writing, and mythology. With Professor Marcia Birken, faculty member in the Department of Mathematics & Statistics in the College of Science at RIT, Coon designed and team-teaches the course Analogy, Mathematics, and Poetry.



BA, MA, and Ph.D.              State University of New York at Buffalo


Current Research Interests:

Modern Italian Poetry, a continuing study begun while on sabbatical in Siena, Italy, in spring 2002; and Fractal Poetry, the current focus of a long-term collaboration with Professor Marcia Birken. For over 20 years, Coon and Birken have explored the intersections between literature and mathematics and together have presented their work at numerous conferences and workshops in the United State and Europe. They have co-authored and published articles and book chapters on several subjects, including interdisciplinary collaboration, critical thinking, and the uses of analogy in poetry and mathematics.



Professor Coon’s own publications include Hear Me Patiently: The Reform Speeches of Amelia Jenks Bloomer (Greenwood, 1994), an edited collection of Bloomer’s previously unpublished speeches on temperance and women’s rights; articles and chapters on the design of poetry and writing courses, and 19th century reform alliances in western New York State. Coon’s poetry has been published in numerous journals, including Northeast Corridor, Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and Proteus, as well as the anthology Literature:  Reading Fiction, Poetry, Drama and the Essay, edited by Robert DiYanni (McGraw Hill 1998, 2002).


Contact Information:

Anne C. Coon

Professor, Department of Language and Literature

Rochester Institute of Technology

92 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623

Phone: (585) 475-2410
