Consciousness, Literature and the Arts


Biographies of Contributors


Dr. (Mrs.) Osita Catherine Ezenwanebe(nee Nwachukwu) teaches Speech(Effective Speaking); Dramatic History, Theory and Criticism in the Department of Creative Arts, Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos, Nigeria. She holds a Ph.D in English Literature(Drama and Society), two Master's Degrees: in English Literature(Drama and Society) and in English Language(Nigerian English) from the University of Lagos, Nigeria and a B.A(Ed.) in English Education from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She has written and directed two plays: The Kinibe's Day (2005) and The Champon's Story(2006). Among her publiished works are Drills and Exercises in English Pronunciation( 2001), Communicative English for Tertiary Institution(2005) and numerous articles in Learned Journals.  Her current research interest is Comparative Literature. She aspires to be a Drama Therapist. E-mail