Consciousness, Literature and the Arts


Volume 1 Number 1, April 2000

Sat Chit Ananda

Sat: Consciousness is pure being

Chit: Consciousness is conscious of itself

Ananda: Consciousness is bliss



All-embracing Guru Dev,

Silent steady stillness,

Only harbour that we have,

Rest that cures all illness.

Transcendental symmetry,

Sap within the flowers,

Law of immortality,

Comprising days and hours.



Gracious master Guru Dev,

Knowledge purely flowing,

Any wisdom we may have

Rises from Thy knowing.

Nothing else than Thou exists,

Grand unbounded ocean -

We are self-referal twists

Of consciousness in motion.



Bliss-bestowing Guru Dev,

Gladly we surrender

Our hearts and all we have

In Thy sea of splendor.

Waves caress and crown the beach,

Waves of inspiration.

Sound of tide becoming speech,

Humming weaves creation.


By Franz Richter,


Seelisberg, July 1980)