Consciousness, Literature and the Arts





Volume 10 Number 2, August 2009


Hoda Niknezhad-Ferdos




- stop it!

- None of your business!

- I said STOP IT!

- And I say SHUT UP!

- Still a wild animal.

- Shit, not a terrible animal like you.

- Me? You know who I am so don’t say bullshit.

- Ohhh! Look what you are saying! Bullshit?! You were more polite before!

- Anybody after being your friend, will be worse.

- Go to hell!

- You will go there.

- I just wish your death, you bastard.

- Oh! Calm down! You are insulting yourself!

- I don’t care; I just want to tease you.

- You foolish masochist.

- Well, well I can see how I've affected you! You say great things Heaven


- You are mad and you cannot get rid of me so, be wise.

- Not a thousand years I want to be wissssse like you!

- You just want that wild animal rides you.

- None of your business, you know it is not like that.

- You always want to get rid of me. Always you prefer to go out with that wild

animal, you silly.

- At least that wild animal is true to himself, what about you? You with your funny

masks! You are jealous of him because his personality is more attractive to me! Huh?

- Jealous? I am like a king in compare of him! You are comparing us?!

- Oh king! Right now I got the meaning of "king"! You are the most in chain!

- Don't talk to me like this. I'm not in chain.

- I will talk as I like.

- Yeah, till he rides you, he will control your rein! You deserve to be an animal.

- I prefer this animality to the stupidity you offer me!

- You won't be happy with him.

- I know but I won't be happy with you too. I wish I could mix you together.

- Mix? Me and him? Never ever! You jus make him great in your words but you hate


- Because you make me suffer. Endless. And say it that you meddle in my life more

than anybody.

- If I didn’t exist, these lines would not be written.

- Oh how selfish! Do you want me to prove that if you don’t exist, theses lines will be


- You can't do it. What do you want to do? Yeah, you can shut my mouth and….

- Yes, yes what?


- You don’t speak anymore! Talk! I'm listening! You the best Know-all! Hahaha

- …………

- See? You are nothing without me. If I don’t want you, you won't exist. Yeah go on!

- …………

- It is me who let you express yourself, so don’t be cheeky `coz you are on my nerve!

- …………

- Ok, enough! I'm tired of my voice! Say something.

- You think you are funny? Yeah you can do something that shuts my mouth but you

cannot deny my existence.

- We saw that you didn’t exist some moments ago.

- I did. You are not so stupid. Honestly, why do you think you are writing these lines?

If you had done what you have wanted, if you just have stayed with that wild animal,

if I didn’t exist, could you write these stories?

- Maybe yes.

- And maybe no. when there is no suffering, no limit, when you just go out with that

wild animal and do what you want, you think do these stories gather in you and then

explode you?

- I don’t know. Maybe you are right. Maybe all these things are kind of orgasm! Just

do me a favor and don’t call him wild animal! You know I like him.

- And you know how to make me jealous! Ok, I won't call him that anymore.

- Thanks a lot. Believe me I do like you too. Yes, maybe some of creativities are

because of you. Or maybe more than some!

- Wow! At least once you counted on me!

- come on1 I always count on you and I like him too!

- Ok! He is better than me.

- No, no. if you didn’t exist, maybe life would not be so great. All those creativities

are some how because of you!

- Ehem! Thanks. I'm getting hopeful!

- Yeah, don’t degrade yourself. You are really handsome.

- What about him?

- He is handsome too. Just a little bit different from you. He prefers to be funky!

- I didn’t get which of us you like more?

- Both! And I cannot get rid of any of you! In fact, I can't be happy with one of you!

Hahaha! I'm sorry for the quarrel we had Mr. Super-Ego.

- Never mind. I'm sorry too Miss Ego. By the way if you meet Mr. Id tell him to

forgive me.

- hahahaaaa! You know he doesn’t understand these things! But ok just because of

you, I will tell him!

- Thank you.

- You're welcome. Thank you!